These gummies/gel squares were a mistake — well, not mistake but they weren’t intentional. I made the Apple Pie concoction, to top off some pancakes and it definitely gave us the feeling of an inside out apple pie, if you will!
I stored the rest of my topping in the fridge so I could warm and use another day. The next morning, I brought out my container from the fridge and my topping had solidified! Why??? Because I used gelatin in the recipe to kind of thicken up the sauce and because I do like to toss in gelatin and/or collagen peptides whenever and wherever I can!
The benefits are great when you add these proteins to your diet. I suffered from very achy elbows and knuckles for about a year. I really didn’t even know why. My shoulders even started aching at night if the room got too cold. At a local event called ‘Taste of Paleo’ I was able to try Vital Proteins at a booth and they explained all the benefits of these proteins so I bought a container of each. Within 2 months of using the products, I noticed my hair and nails were growing so rapidly! My hair actually had a shine I hadn’t seen in a while too. The other thing that happened was that my knuckles didn’t ache anymore!!! I didn’t even realize it but one night my daughter says to me, “Mommy, you don’t ask me to rub your hands anymore. Why?” (when we would snuggle on the couch and catch some of our favorite TV shows, I would ask her to massage my hands/knuckles). And that’s when it occurred to me that I didn’t ache anymore, nor did I wake up in the middle of the night with an achy shoulder or elbow because it was out from the blanket and cold!
I’ve been using these products for about 2 years now and LOVE. I usually put them into my coffee and whip up with my MCT oil and butter. It’s a sure way to know I’ll be getting these into my diet because I never go a morning without my bullet proof coffee! The benefits of gelatin and collagen can be found here. I love Vital Proteins because there is literally no flavor! You can add to any recipe to get the added nutrients and it will not change up your recipe flavor. The collagen can be added to cold drinks/meals and dissolve just fine while the gelatin needs the hot liquid to dissolve …..and clearly once cooled, turns into a a jello/gel/gummy!
To get the recipe for these gummies, click here! The recipe is for the Apple Pie Topping and in the NOTES part of the recipe, it will instruct you further into making this topping into the delicious bites of apple pie!