I have to admit, I’m pretty stoked that my daughter moved back from Japan and is doing keto. I’ve been dabbling in the kitchen with so many keto recipes and loving them! These Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns were meant for her but after eating one myself (test taste!), I found myself grabbing another…..and another!
To Dairy or Not To Dairy
I never felt that I had dairy intolerances, until I took dairy out of my diet about 8 years ago. Once I omitted, it was pretty apparent that dairy did cause digestion issues for me. Suddenly I had no bloat, no gas and started becoming super regular with my bowel movements. Who knew that there was a better feeling? I just assumed that the bloat/gas was normal and how we were supposed to feel.
After a couple of years of feeling soooo much better without dairy in my diet, I opted to eat a frozen yogurt with my family. All those “normal” feelings of yesteryear came rushing back! I had such a crampy tummy and was reminded how I felt day in and day out for many years. I realized in that very moment, what dairy does to our system without even being diagnosed with a lactose intolerance. We don’t need a doctor to tell us that we don’t feel good, right?
Get The Good Stuff
When my daughter decided to go keto, I knew that I would be making her some recipes with and without dairy. These Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns are one of those recipes that I thought I would be making specifically for her. She seems to handle dairy just fine. She will get coffee with heavy cream & add butter and cheese to various foods. Here’s what I have found out for myself. I am able to tolerate some dairy IF it’s sourced from a grass-fed cow! This just proved that it’s not necessarily the food in it of itself, it’s where it comes from.
Making something at home with good quality butter will not effect me in the least BUT if I get the same meal out at a restaurant, I could end up with tummy issues later. Most restaurants try to save a buck so you’re probably not getting the best sourced butter ….or cheese for that matter. Unless I know the restaurant and its ingredients used, this is where I will make the choice to eat an entirely different meal.
Don’t Eat By The Food Title
But these Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns aren’t paleo! Nope. They are not. Paleo is my go-to food style but knowing now, that I can eat some dairy since I have healed my gut is exciting! I believe once our gut is healed and we know what foods make us feel bad/good, we can make recipes like Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns and enjoy them! While ‘paleo’ is still in my site name, eating real food is the goal …not sticking to ‘what is and isn’t paleo’. Again, the dairy I choose to use is always good quality and though it might be a bit pricier, it’s worth it. I would rather not pay the price of digestive issues later by saving a couple of dollars.
Here’s the thing. I will still steer clear of dairy for the most part. Eating food that fuels me and helps me to feel my best is my priority. “Paleo” is obviously my preferred eating style. I truly believe it makes the most sense for me. Again, healing my gut has allowed me to enjoy other foods from time to time and not pay the consequences. This is all based on our own individual needs and preferences. You will always have to make decisions based on your findings. And quite honestly, it can vary week to week. What works for me today, may not work for me next week. There are so many other factors involved when it comes to how our bodies react to the foods we eat.
No Dairy, No Problem
If you’re not able to consume dairy at all, I have these Paleo Biscuits you might want to give a try! These little rolls aren’t made often in my house but when they are, they are devoured! I mostly make them around the holidays so we have a healthy option to go along side of our feasted plate of food.

Back To The Show
Getting back to these Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns, I am glad to report that these buns have been tolerated a-o-k! If you can tolerate cheese, go make these! We ate them on the side of a meal and by themselves as a snack dipped in pasta sauce. They are best straight out of the oven. If you choose to store, keep in container with paper towel laid on top of buns. This will help keep condensation off the buns. To warm, toss in pre-heated skillet and warm through. Microwave works too but stove top in pan takes closest to freshly made!

Cheesy Keto Garlic Buns
- Buns:
- 3/4 blanched almond flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 6 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1/4 cup cream cheese
- 1 egg
- Garlic Topping:
- 2-4 garlic cloves, minced (this depends on size and your love of garlic!)
- 2 tbsp melted butter or ghee
- 2 tbsp finely grated parmesan cheese
- Sprinkle of salt (*omit if using salted butter)
- Preheat oven to 375°
- In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients and whisk through.
- Add the mozzarella cheese and cream cheese to the almond flour mixture and microwave at 30 second intervals, mixing in between. (3x for me). You want it to be the consistency of dough.
- Add in egg and mix through with whisk or fork.
- Take dough out of bowl and break apart into 9 pieces. Roll out each piece, using hands to form a long piece of dough about 6-7 in long.
- Lay onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Take one end of dough and wrap around in circular motion, making a “cinnamon roll” formation. Repeat with remaining dough pieces. (You can even leave in long pieces and make bread sticks, if preferred!)
- Bake at 375° for 13-16 minutes. Check to see when tops are slightly golden. Remove from oven. Turn on broiler.
- Warm butter/ghee in microwave to melt in a small bowl. Add in minced garlic. Brush into each “roll”. Sprinkle the tops with parmesan cheese and a *sprinkle of salt.
- Place under broiler for 2ish minutes. Keep checking! You don’t want them to burn – so timing will depend on how close your rack is to flame.
- Enjoy!