I cannot believe this was my first time making salmon (or any protein for that matter) wrapped in foil! I have seen so many people make different types of fish wrapped in parchment and/or foil and have always thought, ‘what a great idea’ but never occurred to me to just give it-a-go! Duh.
For this particular recipe, I honestly did it out of convenience. If you’ve read previous posts, you know that our house is for sale and quite honestly it’s really hard diving into recipes with a lot of ingredients & not a lot of time. I’ve literally had to sweep everything up off the counter at times because we get a call saying that someone wants to see the house within the hour. If you’re right in the middle of making dinner, it’s super hard to clean up – toss in fridge and head out the door if you’ve got a crap load of ingredients sitting on your counter tops.
That said, I prepped a marinade in the morning and had my salmon marinating in it for a couple of hours. I honestly just thought to myself, ‘what will make this dinner quick and easy in terms of clean up’. And that’s when wrapping in foil popped into my head! This was honestly the easiest clean up ever! I will definitely be trying out more proteins with this style of cooking because I’m all about making things easier – whether it’s because the kitchen has to be “stage ready” for a house showing OR just simply because I don’t want to spend any more time than I have to cleaning up in the kitchen!
I used salmon but I’m sure any seafood will work! I will definitely be trying this with some sort of white fish as well. Btw, if you don’t have a source for seafood – I highly suggest Sizzlefish! They offer the best quality and properly sourced seafood that I know of. I also LOVE that the fish comes in portion controlled packaging …which is perfect for me because my husband and daughter work a lot of evenings so pulling out one portion to defrost is sooooo convenient! They have packages too so it really makes shopping easy One of my favs is their Paleo Prime Plus package.
Anyway, onto the recipe! I simply served with a cauli-brussel combo. Enjoy my friends!

- 2 pieces of salmon (Sizzlefish has perfectly portioned packaging)
- 1 lemon, juiced
- 1/3 cup ghee or brown butter
- 1/4 cup raw honey
- 5 garlic cloves, minced
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
- Salt & Pepper
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Lay foil onto a baking dish/sheet with rim.
- Melt ghee (or butter) in pan with honey and garlic. Turn off heat & add lemon juice & red pepper flakes. Stir & let sit a couple of minutes to thicken up a tad.
- Lay salmon on foil & sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle the honey/ghee mixture over the salmon pieces, taking a spoon and continually drizzling on top of salmon a handful of times.
- Fold foil over from each side, by creating a loose pocket to keep steam inside of foil pouch. Fold foil pieces over with one another to seal. Again, it should be a loose pocket.
- Bake for 15 minutes on middle rack. Turn oven to broil and carefully open open to expose salmon. Place baking sheet on top rack for minutes to get a nice crispiness on your salmon.