I remember the day I saw this quote. My daughter had it on her My Space account. (What is My Space? Basically an older version of Facebook….yes, I’ve been around a while!) Anyway, I saw ‘I am who I am….because of the choices I made yesterday’ on her profile. It made me upset. I don’t even remember what set me off. I think it just made me feel like she’d given up, so to speak. It was almost like she was saying, “take it or leave it”. While that attitude may be ok to have on some occasion, it was hard to think my daughter felt that way at the age of 14-16ish.
She and I talked about it because I really wanted her to remove the quote. She explained what it meant to her and we got the conversation flowing. Fast forward to now, I am completely aware that, ‘I am who I am….because of the choices I made yesterday’.
I don’t look at the quote like I did back when she was in high school. I have begun to realize that no matter what choices you make in life, it has an effect. Good or bad – on the person you are right now. In retrospect, my daughter had a very valid point.
Since this is more of a health blog – I’m going to direct this quote in relation to food choices and healthy living.
Food Choices
So let’s talk food. When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? Do the food choices you made “yesterday” have an effect on how you look? Be it your weight? Your skin? Or even the brittleness of hair and nails? I venture to say, the food choices you have made in the past, have much to do as to how you look and feel. My food choices yesterday may cause me so much discomfort today! My food choices over the course of the year could have everything to do with me growing out of my clothes. Or perhaps, clothes falling off of me, feeling sluggish OR possibly feeling full of energy. These choices we make on a daily basis with regards to food, will definitely effect who we are as a person, tomorrow (future).
When you’re not feeling good about yourself, it has a reflection on who you are as a person. Agree? I know first hand, if you’re feeling good about yourself, you see the world in a different light. My feelings aren’t always perfect. But having a negative self image or esteem, really sets the tone for how you treat others, perform at your job or even sustain friendships and/or relationships. Do you see that to be true?
I am who I am….because of the choices I made yesterday.
Self Care Choices
I had 7 miscarriages. These miscarriages (I feel) had much to do with choices I made. I put myself in so much stress with my toxic relationship. On top of the toxic relationship, I used toxic products and caused so much hormone imbalance. There’s much to be said on the subject of my miscarriages, so maybe I’ll share more on this particular subject at another time. But I am who I am because of those choices – miscarriages and all. I was able to hold onto 3 pregnancies and naturally birth 3 beautiful children. So while there is a negative side to my choices, I am also ever-so-grateful for the children I was able to have. The miscarriages definitely played a huge role in how much I loved each and every moment of pregnancy and birthing!
When you think back to younger years, no matter how old you are now – what decisions did you make back then, that possibly molded who you are now? Do you like what you see? Here’s the thing. This is what is so awesome about choices – we can make new ones. So maybe you made a choice that has a hold on you and who you are now. Perhaps you don’t like it! Well, let’s make new choices today, so tomorrow you can be a better version of who you were yesterday.
Change the Direction
The good thing about choices is, it’s exactly that – a choice! You have the willpower and thought process to make better choices. I remember my kids walking out the door to hang out with friends and my words to them as they left were, “Make good choices.” Who knows if they really heard me or not. But I wanted to keep those habitual words in their heads because it really is up to you as to which direction you’ll take.
2020 is here! No need to set list of resolutions – just make sound choices. It’s not always about food either …..let’s make better choices with personal care and household products, with friendships/relationships, with body movement and with spiritual well being. Make a choice to be the person you would love to be around! Remember when you make good choices on a daily basis, it will have a positive reflection on who you are tomorrow.
I know that I can’t go back and change choices and decisions I made yesterday BUT I can make a difference today. I want to be proud in knowing that I am who I am….because of the choices I made yesterday. Tell me. Who will you be tomorrow???