Here’s my issue with the quote “Strong is the New Skinny”. What does that comment say to those who are skinny (by nature) and/or those who strive to be a svelte human being? Is strong, really the new skinny?
Just Be You
What that quote says to me, is that we cannot be content with who we are or who we choose to be because we must “conform” to what the trend is at the moment. Yes, quite a few years back, being a very thin person was “the thing” to strive to be. I remember Kate Moss being the buzz as to what the general female population wanted to (or should) look like. Thin was in, so to speak.
Years go by and now I see all over my IG feed and other public avenues, that strong ……big muscles and booty are “the thing” now. There are bloggers, social media and magazines pretty much chastising those who appear to have a thin/waif-like appearance. While being thin doesn’t equate to health, I venture to say that having defined muscles or a bigger frame doesn’t either. So I ask again, is strong, really the new skinny?

I think we all have our personal preferences as to what we would like to our bodies to look like. Genes play a huge role as to whether or not you will be able to achieve that aesthetic but so does hard work. That work you put in could be to either get those defined and/or bulky muscles OR it could be that you are trying to trim down. One is NOT better than the other and it certainly doesn’t mean that one is healthier than the other.
I Did ‘Me‘!

I am a slender person. I workout and I do like becoming a stronger person but I will admit, when my thighs couldn’t fit into my jeans anymore, I adjusted my workouts. I no longer lifted “heavy” or strived to PR in squats. I didn’t want a thunder thigh look (for me!) but I can totally appreciate it for so many others who have those strong looking thighs. I don’t feel the need to put down or make nasty comments about bigger looking legs, so I would appreciate the same consideration. My personal preference is a toned but thinner looking leg. That’s just me. You do you!
I write this blog post because I have seen time and time again (more so than ever), comments about the girl who wants to have a thinner appearance and how unhealthy that is. Not only physically unhealthy but making a big deal about it being mentally unhealthy. I beg to differ. I am not saying I speak for all but I know how I feel and I can say that many others feel the same. While these “strong women” post about body confidence, awareness and acceptance, I ask that these very people see that we “skinny people” can have the very same confidence, awareness and acceptance! So please – accept the way we are built too! And more than that, accept what some might want for themselves and not what you think is best for them. While I should not tell the bigger/muscular framed female to try and look more thin, if you will – that very individual shouldn’t try to tell the girl who wants to have a more slender appearance, to bulk up!
Health Is Not A Size Or Number On The Scale…
Health isn’t about the scale or size of clothing. A person can be healthy no matter what shape or size they are. A healthy mind-frame is so important and if we just keep reading what others expect of us, it can send our minds into a frenzy AND THAT in it of itself, is not healthy. So I am here to say, do you! If you feel more comfortable have a thinner physique, by all means continue to achieve those goals. If you love gaining more muscle and take pride in busting out of your current jean size, then goooo for it! Or maybe you just ride right in the middle and don’t really care what your appearance is and just want to be happy – woohoo! That’s awesome! I don’t think there is any “right” way. I think doing what you think is best for you, is the way to go. All I have to say by way of suggestion is that, you continue to fuel properly with real food. Eat the foods that make you feel good and give you all the nutrients you need to live a thriving lifestyle!
Health is optimal when you have a great state of mind so don’t try and change what works for you because it’s working for someone else. Be the person that makes you the happiest!