I will admit, I used to be a diet coke drinker :/ Yep, I was that girl! It’s been well over 5 years (maybe more) that I’ve had any soda at all. So what have I been drinking? Water…..just plain ol’ water. I’m not even a tea drinker so it’s literally just water. I love water – don’t get me wrong but sometimes it would be nice to change it up a bit. Adding some fruit or cucumbers to my glass helps but it just misses pizazz!
And that’s where La Croix sparkling water comes in! Hallelujah! What I absolutely love about these waters is that there is an essence of flavor. It’s not like you’re going to open a can and take a swig of some sweetened drink – which for someone like me who’s used to water, would completely freak me out. On the other hand, if you’re used to drinking sodas, you may think this may be a little weak for you — BUT I suggest ditching the soda and getting used to a beverage like this. It’s sooo much better for you! I don’t think I need to point out the fact that soda isn’t the healthiest beverage out there…in fact, it’s probably the worst thing you can drink. (I won’t get off on how you should “ditch the habit” – let’s keep this all about how great La Croix is BUT ….if you’re interested in reading about what soda is doing to our health, check out –> ‘13 Ways Sugary Soda is Bad For Your Health‘) So with La Croix, you’ve got a drink with bubbles and a hint of flavor AND has zero calories, no sodium or artificial flavors or sweeteners!
Their new flavors are Melón Pomelo (Cantaloupe Pink Grapefruit), Múre Pepino (Blackberry Cucumber) & Kiwi Sandia (Kiwi Watermelon – and let me tell you, they are yummm! I honestly don’t know which one I like best because they are all good in their own right. My hubby’s fav is the Kiwi Sandia. The watermelon flavor is very evident and when you pop the can open, you get a wiff – if you will – of the watermelon which already gets your taste buds going. He kind of took over this flavor so I think I’ll be hiding some in the back of the fridge when I grab another case (shhh….our little secret!) The Melón Pomelo kind of worried me as I’m not a grapefruit fan BUT I was pleasantly surprised with my first sip! The cantaloupe really rounds out the flavor as I found myself loving it and liking it equally as much as the Kiwi Sandia. Annnd….if you like an adult beverage from time to time, the Melón Pomelo is actually the perfect drink to make a cocktail with. We had family over & I decided to test it out by making a drink with this flavor – it was a great little cocktail & though I don’t drink, I found that this was an easy drink to sip on while we hung out having fun in the sun! Now, the Múre Pepino might have inched its way above the other 2 …not by much but I found myself grabbing this one the most. I even made a yummy smoothie with this flavor. I’m a huge berry lover and blackberries are actually my fav so I was pretty eager to taste this particular one the most and it did not disappoint! Genius idea to combine the cucumber with blackberry because it really is super refreshing & tasty. Target Stores should now be carrying these new flavors so go head on over and do your own taste test!
People are really taking charge of their health these days which is great. I see that fast food places are losing business and trying to leer customers in by promoting lettuce wrapped burgers and/or “healthier” menu items as they see that we are making better dining decisions. That holds true for drinks! There’s a great little article in the Washington Post, talking about the decline in soda sales and the rise in sparkling/seltzer water – How Seltzer Water Became Cooler Than Coke and I really believe that companies like La Croix are helping people give up the sugar ladened drinks while keeping us happy with flavorful options w/bubbles!
“Consumers still like bubbles, they want carbonation, but they want it in a healthier product,” said Gary Hemphill, the managing director of research for Beverage Marketing Corp., an industry consulting firm. “Those products really fit where the consumer wants to be.”
OKAY! So here’s the best part … La Croix — is giving away a year supply to one of YOU! (aren’t they the best?!?) Woohoo! That’s right – a years worth of this deliciousness! So who wants in? All you have to do is head over to my instagram @cocos_paleo_kitchen and on the REVIEW/GIVEAWAY POST (pic with the 3 new flavors in cases), tag a friend, make sure you are following me as well as @lacroixwater AND mention what your favorite flavor is or which you’d like to try! Easy peasy. The winner will be chosen Saturday at noon – so you have 48 hours to spread the word and keep tagging! And while you’re waiting on the winner, go grab one or all of these newest flavors and let me know what you think!
I love La Croix water and smoothies and I never thought of putting them together. I’m definitely going to give it a try!
Hi Marilyn! Definitely give it a try! It really gives it an extra little punch!