I was told when I posted my paleo lasagna recipe that it looked like moussaka. I’m ashamed to say, I had no idea what moussaka was….so I looked it up and it sounded amazing so decided to make a paleo moussaka. I suppose this recipe is more primal as I’ve added kerrygold cheese to top it off! And I must say, it’s delish!
Since I’ve never tried moussaka, I have to frame of reference and can’t compare it to anything. I just know that this taste good! I love eggplant so I figured it would be good, even if it didn’t taste like the real thing.
Eggplant is nutritious, aside from being tasty. It is high in fiber and has many vitamins. I used to eat eggplant all the time when I was a vegetarian (yep…..vegetarian for 5 years!) but since I became a carnivore again, eggplant didn’t appear in my kitchen quite as often. I’m trying to use it in various recipes to get it back into my diet and when I saw that moussaka was made with eggplant, it was a must to recreate.
There are many steps to this recipe – but don’t run! It’s worth it!! It can also be made as a ‘make ahead’ meal as it sets up really nicely after a few hours. So I think the next time I make this, I’ll make on Saturday or Sunday and have it ready to go for a rushed week night meal. You can also prep the meat and slice up veggies ahead of time and assemble the day of. It is definitely going to be a meal I make often

- 3 eggplants
- 3 medium sized sweet potatoes
- 8 cups water
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1 cup kerrygold cheese, grated
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 lbs. grass-fed ground beef
- 1 onion, diced
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup tomato paste
- 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp allspice
- 1 tbsp dried oregano
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- 4 cups almond milk
- 1/2 cup brown butter, ghee or unsalted butter
- 1/2 cup almond flour
- 2 tbsp arrowroot flour
- 4 egg yolks
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- Brown the ground beef in a large pan, adding chopped onions about 1/2 way through browning.
- Season with salt & pepper - add the garlic, cinnamon, allspice, oregano and tomato paste. Mix well.
- Add the balsamic vinegar & bring to simmer. Let it simmer on low for 15 minutes.
- Turn broiler on.
- While meat is simmering, slice eggplants in 1/4 inch rounds and add to a big pot of 8 cups water & 1/2 cup salt to brine. Let them sit in the brine for 15 minutes. Lay eggplant slices on paper towels to dry a bit.
- Peel and slice potatoes into 1/4 inch rounds and boil them in salted water for about 7 minutes. You don't want them too crunchy but they should be somewhat under cooked. Drain.
- Lay the eggplant slices on a piece of parchment paper and brush olive oil on each side of slice.
- Put under broiler for 4 minutes and turn over for another 3-4 minutes.
- Turn oven to 350 degrees.
- Warm the almond milk in pot, bringing to a simmer.
- Add your butter or ghee and combine.
- Whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl - temper the yolks by slowly adding some of the milk/butter mixture to the yolks....whisking as you add so you don't cook the yolks. Then add the egg mixture to the pot of milk/butter, combining.
- Add the almond flour and (slowly adding) arrowroot flour & nutmeg.....whisking continuously to avoid lumps,
- In a large baking dish, lay the potato rounds, slightly over lapping to cover the bottom of the dish.
- Using 1/2 of the eggplant slices, layer on top of potatoes.
- Pour the meat mixture to cover all of the eggplant/potatoes. Take the remaining eggplant & layer over the meat mixture.
- Top with 1/2 the grated cheese - and slowly pour the sauce over top. Sprinkle on the remaining cheese.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Let it set at least 15 minutes before slicing into it.
Moussaka is one of my favorite Greek dishes. Lots of work goes into this recipe, but it was worth it, and I thought the flavors were authentic. Thank-you!
Thank you so much Donna! I appreciate you taking the time to make it and comment! I also saw your email and made the corrections! Thanks again!!!