I love to run…first thing in the morning -5am! And a warm breakfast like paleo oatmeal is awesome on a cold, winter day! I know, I know….most “crossfitters” don’t like running but I’ve been running since I was about 22 (don’t ask how many years it’s been!). When I started doing CrossFIt, I didn’t think it was going to give me the runners high that I running did but I was wrong, it surely gave me a high and I was pretty close to just sticking with working out in a box vs. running outside. I still got up at 5am but sat with coffee and watched recorded shows that I hadn’t had time to watch. I hated it. I finally got the running shoes on, after only taking a couple of weeks off and headed out in the dark…..dodging skunks, cars and having the tip of my nose frozen AND I was sure that even though I found a love for crossfit, I couldn’t give up running entirely. I balance my fitness regime with about 4 days/crossfit and 4 days/running. Yes, that means I double up on one day but it works for me. So….what’s my point? I run in the wee hours of the morning – it’s cold, wet and sometimes even rains on me but I love it! In the winter months, I don’t even break a sweat and come in wanting something warm to eat and this ‘Paleo Oatmeal’ is the perfect breakfast on those days!

Paleo Oatmeal
2015-03-01 18:06:40

- ¼ cup raw walnuts
- 1/4 cup pecans
- ¼ cup sliced almonds
- 2 tbsp pepitas
- 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
- 1 Tbsp Flaxseed Meal
- 1 banana
- ½ cup almond milk
- ½ tbsp honey-to taste (optional)
- 1. Place walnuts, pecans, almonds, pepitas, sunflower seeds and flaxseed together in a blender or food processor until finely ground/coarse (do not over process or you'll have nut butter).
- 2. Warm almond milk in pot or microwave.
- 3. Add nut mixture to almond milk.
- 4. Mash banana and add to the nut/milk mixture. Taste & add honey if desired.
- 4. Stir on low heat to combine and let it come to a simmer. If using microwave, place back in to warm together. Let it sit to thicken up.
- 5. Top with cinnamon and/or nutmeg and add coconut milk or almond milk!
- Add more chopped nuts, cinnamon, berries, almond or coconut milk to top it off
Cocos Paleo Kitchen https://www.cocospaleokitchen.com/