“We Plan – You Dish”! What a great concept! If you follow me on instagram, you may have seen a few posts of mouth watering meals in which I referenced a prep/meal plan — well, here’s the scoop on my week using Prep Dish! Keep reading on so you too, can give this plan a try for $4, for a whole month
I’m not gonna lie – when Allison approached me and asked if I would like to try her plan, I thought ‘Hmmmm….I already prep, I already eat paleo/gluten free and I like to create my own dishes. How could this possibly be any different than what I already do? And how could I be of help to her with a review?’ Well my friends! Let me tell you……
First of all, I absolutely love the concept behind her prep planning. Grocery shopping was a breeze because the meals/ingredients were listed in categories (fruits/veggies, frozen, herbs, dairy….etc) so I was able to go to each department and grab what I needed for the meals. So often when I prepare my own grocery list, I’m heading back over to a department that I’d already been in because I realized I needed/forgot something for another meal. It made it nice knowing what meal I was buying for (it lists the meals your buying that particular item for….so, 2 lbs of carrots = 1 lb for one meal, 1/2 lb for another & 1/2 lb for another….) Which takes me to the prep part of the program — I prepped one particular food item for a handful of meals – not ‘per meal’ – if that makes sense. Ex: if carrots were used in several meals, you prepped all the carrots at once and divvy’d up, so to speak. As I said, I’m used to prepping on the weekend to gear up for the week so it wasn’t at all a big task to prep, in fact it was much easier with her plans sitting in front of me. I just followed it line by line, which was so much nicer than me having to figure out what I was making and how much I need of this or that! It totally took the guess work out of it and it made it so much easier with the Prep Dish’s outline!What you get is this: 4 weekly entrees, a salad, a breakfast and a snack/dessert. I found that my entrees were enough to have leftovers to take for lunch….even after the family ate. The meals are nutritious, grain free, gluten free and delicious! I got lots of praise for the meals I made from Prep Dish – which was great in one respect but I also thought, ‘Heyyyy…..I don’t hear this much praise with my own recipes!’ (Kidding! I do — from time to time
I made ‘Mexican Pork Stew’, ‘Cilantro-Lime Chicken over Mixed Greens w/Jicama & Avocado’ and ‘Jalapeno Shrimp w/Green Curried Sweet Potato Noodles’ and OMG, they were amazingly good!
Another thing I loved about her prepping/meals was that the Cilantro-Lime sauce was very much the same as the sauce you use for the ‘Jalapeno Shrimp’ with just a few tweaks so (as she mentions in the directions) no need to clean out your blender to make the next sauce which is a huge plus in my book! I think Allison thought of everything!!!
You get your Prep Dish meal plan for the week, delivered to your inbox each Friday. You can shop on Saturday and prep for a couple of hours on Sunday morning and you’re are good-to-go for the week! It was so easy to get the meals going on the day of and it was ready in minutes. I love this on hectic work days but I also think about summer and the fact that I don’t work in the summer months so I will be using this plan quite a bit……… I won’t have to stop my fun in the sun to get home and cook a healthy meal — all will be ready to go when I get home from enjoying my day!
Whether or not you have a prep day already, this plan is honestly so well thought out and easy to follow. As I said, I do prep and I do like creating my own meals but I will be using this plan to make a couple/few dishes per week because it is convenient and the meals are so good! Anyone would benefit from trying this out – especially if you’re not a “prepper” already but want to be. I have had several emails asking about how and what I do to prep for the week. I give a little advice as to how I go about it but here you go! You asked for it…..this is the answer! I could never get as in depth as Prep Dish gets.
I really enjoyed the meals. The ease and convenience of serving a healthy meal the day of, was a relief after long, busy days! I’m happy to be able to incorporate this plan in my own life, I know you’ll love the benefits too! You’ve got nothing to lose but lots to gain. Enjoy!!! $4 month trial! Click here –> Prep Dish/Coco