Raise your hand if you make your own paleo mayonnaise?? Or let’s ask this….who’s afraid to make your own paleo mayo? I make my own and in all honesty, it’s super easy and quick BUT there are times that you need mayo on a moments notice because a recipe calls for it or you suddenly decide to make up some coleslaw……but not enough olive or avocado oil to whip up a batch. Well! Look what’s out there for our convenience now??? Primal Kitchen’s Paleo Mayo!
Mark Sisson is the creator of this mayo so I know it comes from a great source! Who is Mark? Here is a little snippet: Mark Sisson is the author of a #1 best-selling health book on Amazon.com, The Primal Blueprint, as well as The Primal Blueprint Cookbook and the top-rated health and fitness blog MarksDailyApple.com. He is also the founder of Primal Nutrition, Inc., a company devoted to health education and designing state-of-the-art supplements that address the challenges of living in the modern world. He was also a marathon runner and lived his life around health and fitness. So when I got news that his mayo was linked to Mark Sisson, I was all for trying it out!
I’ve made many things with it so far – coleslaw, dips, dressings, egg salad, tuna salad….and more! I love the convenience of having a pre-made paleo mayo on hand. The taste is spot on! You can eat it as is in a recipe or add seasonings to tweak it up for your recipe. I like to add chipotle or even spicy seasonings to change things up a bit. I will probably always make my own mayo but this will definitely be a staple to keep stocked! If you’ve been afraid to tackle making your own or simply just want the convenience of having this on hand, go grab a jar! It’s so worth it!!