Ok, I have to ask. Who out there loves their wine? If you’re raising your hand, then this post is for you! BUT ….if you aren’t raising your hand, then this post is for you! I’m going to chat Scout & Cellar | Clean Crafted Wine in this blog post, And I’ll tell you why!
For many, many years, I have wanted to like wine. I would see friends and family members, going on wine tastings and they always looked so fun! While I wanted to like wine, it didn’t like me. I have had a glass of wine or 2 at gatherings and it never failed – I would wake up feeling gross. I almost always had a headache but more often than not, it was combined with a meh feeling that I couldn’t shake. Actually, there were many times that the headache started, while I was still drinking my first glass!
While you may not experience what I did, I have since had conversations with wine lovers. Those who have switched over to Scout & Cellar | Clean Crafted Wine, realized that they do in fact, feel better with Clean Crafted wines. They didn’t even realize that they weren’t feeling 100% until they tried Scout & Cellar.
Clean Crafted Wines
So what is Clean Crafted? You can get all the details by clicking on that link but in a nut shell, it’s this:
For a wine to be considered Clean-Crafted™, it goes through two rounds of independent lab testing to guarantee that it’s free of yucky stuff like synthetic pesticides and chemical additives and has fewer than 100ppm of total sulfites. We also evaluate and review farming and production practices to confirm that they are, in fact, Clean-Crafted. Why do we do this? Because we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Because we’re committed to offering a more natural, altogether better-tasting wine experience.
This was game changing for me. That information is taken straight from the Scout & Cellar website ….and though not listed in this particular paragraph, there’s no added sugars either! YES!
Scout & Cellar

I saw an IG story of one of my fellow Beautycounter pals, chat about these wines that are made with no sugar, synthetic pesticides or chemical additives. I thought ….”hmmmm…. can it be?” I figured I would try a bottle and see what I thought. I had 2 glasses of wine that first night of receiving the bottle and woke up the next morning feeling a-o-k! To be honest, I forgot I had even had wine the night before! I wake up at 5am everyday and just went about my business that morning and it wasn’t until I saw my wine glass in the sink, did I realize I didn’t have any headache or ‘meh’ feeling!!! I had another rather large glass of wine that next night (to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, of course – wink/wink) and again, woke up feeling amazing.
Knowing that I found a brand that I can now drink, I signed up as a consultant (I’ll tell ya why in a bit)! There is no other wine company out there that makes clean crafted wine! Scout & Cellar is only a few years old and it’s gaining momentum fast!

As you know, I care a lot about what I put into my body and on my skin. I try to make the best decisions in terms of food, personal products & household products. And while the occasional indulgence of alcohol is fun, knowing that this wine isn’t filled ‘junk’, makes me pretty darn happy! Clean food, clean beauty and clean wine, go hand in hand!
I’ll share this quick video of Sara, our founder, sharing why she started Scout & Cellar!
Clean Crafted Wine – From Grapes to Glass
Why Become A Consultant?
Ok. So I find a wine I like. Why become a consultant for Scout & Cellar | Clean Crafted Wine?? Glad you asked. Because I get commission on my own purchases. Plain and simple. I knew I found a brand that I could now order from, so why not make money on my own purchases? It’s kind of like getting a discount BUT since it’s a business, I get to take advantage of tax benefits.
Obviously, I can stop there and just make money on my own purchases or I can share this Clean Crafted wine with family and friends and build a business. Heck, why wouldn’t I share this with people? It’s good and it’s not filled with crap. I want the best for my wine loving peeps, so yes ….I’m going to share away!
So there it is …..a quick post of why I suddenly started liking wine! And why I chose to be a part of this growing company!
If you are at all interested in the wines and/or joining me and my team, please send me an email! I’d be glad to chat with you or send over more information! You can also just browse Scout & Cellar Here!