Okay – so this post is unexpected and random. Here’s the deal. I got my lower right wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago. Aside from the pain and swollen cheek, I learned a valuable lesson! Slow down & chew your food!
I’m not sure if everyone who gets their wisdom teeth pulled, go through what I’m going through or not. I had my upper 2 wisdom teeth pulled a few years ago and aside from the day they were pulled, I felt fine & I was pretty much “back to normal” the next day. And there was minimal swelling – if any. This time? I have pretty bad pain and the swollen cheek is almost comical! I wish I had taken pictures – but other than a few ‘stories’, I didn’t get in front of the camera.
My tooth was sideways and was giving me a lot of pain for about a week 1/2. I went into the dentist and she said it was infected and had to come out (clearly). With that said, the only reason I didn’t have it pulled when my others were pulled, was because this tooth was laying on the nerve. My last dentist told me that there was a chance that I would lose feeling if the nerve was hit/damaged. SO! I opted to wait. Until now ….with the infection, I knew it had to go. My current dentist was confident and reassuring that she could get it out and IF the nerve was bothered, the numbness would only be temporary. Whatever. I mean, seriously – it had to come out so I was hoping she was right!
Surgery done! No nerve was hit and all went well. She had to take it out in 3 pieces. Evidently one piece was hanging on for dear life! So a lot of pulling and tugging happened. She also had to do a bone graft/sutures so perhaps all that lead to the fact that my pain afterward and swelling would be pretty evident.
Slow Down & Chew Your Food
Here’s the deal and reason for this post. I have had no choice but to eat on one side and slowly. My jaw is stiff and it’s hard to open my mouth fully so I’m getting in small bits of food with each bite. I’m also having to slowly chew and take my time. It’s almost annoying how long it’s taking me to eat a meal! I’m typically a very fast eater! I think a lot of mom’s are because we have gotten into that habit of quickly eating while the baby is sleeping or before a soccer practice or at the counter because the kids have their school project spread out on the table. But no matter whatever the reason, I have become a very fast eater and it’s really not how I should be eating.
Slowing down and really paying attention to chewing each bite fully, has me more aware of my food that I’m eating. I’m mindful. It has also allowed me to really hone in on when I’m full. Suddenly, 1/2 way through my meal, I’m satisfied and done. I think we’ve all been taught to clean our plates and when you’re eating so quickly, how do you know when you’re actually full? I venture to say, you all eat the food on your plate …..then start picking at something else until you feel – well, sick to your stomach. Right?? I know that I felt that way more than I care to admit.

Chew On This
And let’s talk about digestion. Food that is broken down into smaller pieces, allows digestive enzymes to break them down to get the most nutrients! Think about what our stomachs need to do ….there’s a lot to do. So when we chew food slowly and thoroughly, we allow our digestive track do its job without much stress. Therefore, we reap the benefits of the nutrients our food is intended for us to utilize.
At this point, I normally serve myself smaller portions and then if I decide I want more, I’ll get more. But when you order food out, there’s usually a lot more food then needs to be eaten. How many of us eat it all? If that’s you – here’s my suggestion. SLOW DOWN & chew your food. I can’t believe how slowing down and mindfully chewing, has allowed me to realize how quickly I satisfy my hunger.
Getting In Tuned w/Your Body
I get many questions about weight loss. It’s so hard for me to offer advice for weight loss as 1) I’m not qualified but 2) I don’t know much about the individuals asking. My thoughts always lean toward eating real food and moving the body. That’s it. Steer clear of processed food and sugar. If they are interested in more of a paleo or keto approach, then I will offer a few suggestions along those diet lifestyle lines. That said, it always comes back to listening to your body as to what (real food) to eat and when. BUT NOW? I will incorporate – Slow down & chew your food!
I think if we all just slow down & chew our food, we will all feel better. We will know when we are satiated and we will be in tuned with our bodies. In the end, that’s what our goal should always be – being in tuned with our hunger cues and our ‘satisfied’ cues. I think a lot of us over eat because we are mindlessly eating. Let’s enjoy the meal in front of us by reeeaaally paying attention to what we’re eating and how we’re eating it. Your body will respond positively …..and thank you!