One of the things I love most about going “paleo” is not to be afraid of the fat! Healthy fat, that is….such as ghee! I wasn’t even sure what ghee was as I saw instagrammers mentioning ghee in their food posts. I finally googled it and bought some at Sprouts. It took my sauteed veggies up a notch!
I’ve always been a butter lover but gave it up years and years ago as I didn’t think the fat was good for me. I opted to get fake “butter” that was less in calories and fat. What I didn’t realize was that I was putting many other harmful things into my body. Check out margarine vs. butter & you’ll understand. But after giving up dairy a few years back, when I paleo-fied my life, it was hard to introduce butter for fear my tummy couldn’t handle it. I find that if I stick to butter from grassfed cows, I can eat in moderation.
But – with ghee, the dairy part of the butter is taken out and you’re left with all of the healthy fats! So usually people that can’t do dairy, can actually handle ghee. It’s a type of clarified butter, if you will and this link will explain in detail as well as list the benefits of ghee. If I’m not using bacon fat to cook things up, it’s ghee! Oh…and of course adding it to your coffee is a must! (more on that another time
At ‘Taste of Paleo’, I had the pleasure of tasting TinStarFoods Ghee & it was SOOO much better than the one I had been using! Hima, the creator, is amazing ….and she’s local to me so I found it very easy support a local friend who was getting her business off the ground. And off the ground she went! She’s doing great things and ghee is only one of them. If you check out Primal Food Pantry, you’ll see many items in her store that are paleo friendly!
If you haven’t gotten on the ghee bandwagon, I suggest you try TinStarFoods. It’s honestly like liquid gold!